Comprehensive Guide to Myomectomy: Procedure, Benefits, and Recovery

March 27, 2024

Welcome to Al Hilal Hospitals! We shall discuss myomectomy, a surgical operation used to remove uterine fibroids, in this extensive tutorial. Noncancerous growths called uterine fibroids can result in symptoms like infertility, pelvic pain, and heavy monthly bleeding. A myomectomy is a viable medical procedure for women who want to maintain their fertility and uterus. At Al Hilal Hospitals, we focus on women’s health and offer cutting-edge procedures like myomectomy to enhance our patients’ quality of life. Let’s examine this procedure’s specifics, advantages, and what to anticipate from the healing process.

What is Myomectomy?

A myomectomy is a surgical treatment that keeps the uterus intact while removing uterine fibroids. Common benign tumours called uterine fibroids grow in the uterus’s muscular wall. The symptoms of these fibroids, which can vary in size and quantity, include heavy menstrual flow, pelvic pain or pressure, frequent urination, and infertility. The goal of a myomectomy is to remove the fibroids without damaging the uterus in order to relieve these symptoms.

Symptoms Indicating the Need for Myomectomy:

1. excessive Menstrual Bleeding: Menorrhagia, or excessive menstrual bleeding, is one of the most typical signs of uterine fibroids.

– Fibroid women frequently have heavy or protracted periods, which may necessitate changing pads or tampons frequently. There may be anaemia from the bleeding, which results in weakness, exhaustion, and dyspnea.

2. Pelvic discomfort or Pressure: – Pelvic discomfort or pressure, which might feel like intense, stabbing pains or dull, continuous aches, can be brought on by fibroids.

– Having sex or going through the menstrual cycle may make the pain greater.

– Women who have bigger fibroids may feel as though their pelvis is fuller or heavier.

3. Abdominal Enlargement: – Uterine fibroids may occasionally cause the abdomen to seem larger or swollen. The quantity and size of fibroids in the uterus could be the cause of this.

4. Urinary Symptoms: – Frequent urination or a persistent urge to urinate may be caused by fibroids pressing on the bladder. Additionally, some women could find it difficult to entirely empty their bladders.

5. Infertility or Pregnancy Complications: – Fibroids may obstruct the fallopian tubes or hinder the implantation of a fertilised egg, depending on their size and location. Recurrent losses or pregnancy difficulties like premature labour can also result from fibroids.

Make an appointment for a consultation with one of our skilled gynaecologists at Al Hilal Hospitals if you have been diagnosed with uterine fibroids or if you are exhibiting associated symptoms like heavy bleeding or pelvic pain. We provide thorough assessments and customised treatment programmes.

 Types of Myomectomy:

1. Abdominal Myomectomy:

– Involves making an incision in the abdomen to access the uterus.

– Suitable for large fibroids or multiple fibroids.

– Requires a longer recovery time compared to other types of myomectomy.

2. Laparoscopic Myomectomy:

– A minimally invasive procedure performed through small incisions in the abdomen.

– A laparoscope, a thin tube with a camera, is used to guide the surgery.

– Offers faster recovery and shorter hospital stay compared to abdominal myomectomy.

3. Hysteroscopic Myomectomy:

– Performed through the vagina and cervix, without any abdominal incisions.

– Ideal for submucosal fibroids that protrude into the uterine cavity.

– Offers a quick recovery and minimal scarring.

 Procedure Steps:

1. Preoperative Preparation:

– The patient is placed under general anesthesia for comfort during the procedure.

– Anesthesia ensures that the patient is pain-free and asleep during the surgery.

2. Incision or Access:

– Depending on the type of myomectomy, an incision is made in the abdomen (abdominal or laparoscopic) or through the vagina and cervix (hysteroscopic).

– The surgeon gains access to the uterus to locate and remove the fibroids.

3. Fibroid Removal:

– The surgeon carefully removes the fibroids from the uterine wall.

– Various techniques, such as cutting, morcellation, or enucleation, may be used to remove the fibroids.

4. Closure:

– If necessary, the incision in the uterus or abdomen is closed with sutures to promote healing.

– The duration of the procedure varies based on the size and number of fibroids.

5. Evaluation:

– The removed fibroids are sent to a laboratory for examination to confirm the diagnosis and rule out any signs of abnormality.

Recovery After Myomectomy:

Following the process, patients should anticipate the following outcomes:

– Hospital stay: Depending on the type of myomectomy, the duration of stay varies.

– Pain management: To treat any discomfort, a prescription for painkillers may be issued.

– Rest and recuperation: It’s advised to take it easy and stay away from physically demanding activities for a few weeks.

– Follow-up appointments: To track progress, evaluate healing, and talk about any next steps, regular follow-up appointments will be arranged.

Benefits of Myomectomy:

For women suffering from uterine fibroids, a myomectomy has various advantages:

– Fertility preservation: Myomectomy enables women to maintain both their uteruses and their fertility.

– Symptom relief: Pelvic pain and excessive bleeding might be lessened by removing fibroids.

– Better pregnancy outcomes: Women may have a greater probability of having a healthy pregnancy following a myomectomy.

– Minimally invasive options: Compared to open surgery, laparoscopic and hysteroscopic myomectomy offer less scarring and a quicker recovery.

A useful surgical technique for removing uterine fibroids while protecting the uterus is a myomectomy. It has many advantages, including as symptom relief, fertility preservation, and better pregnancy outcomes. We at Al Hilal Hospitals are committed to offering cutting-edge care, including myomectomy, for women’s health concerns. Please contact our knowledgeable staff for an assessment and treatment if you are having symptoms associated with uterine fibroids or if you have any concerns about them. Al Hilal Hospital is where your journey to better reproductive health begins.