Understanding Hysteroscopic Polypectomy and Metroplasty: Procedures for Uterine Health

March 27, 2024

Here at Al Hilal Hospitals, welcome! We will explore the fields of metroplasty and hysteroscopic polypectomy in this educational guide, two crucial surgeries for treating uterine health problems in women. These minimally invasive techniques are frequently employed to treat diseases including uterine polyps and uterine septum. We at Al Hilal Hospitals are committed to provide thorough care and cutting-edge therapies for conditions pertaining to women’s health. To find out how these procedures can help patients, let’s take a closer look at them.

All about Hysteroscopic Polypectomy:

Uterine polyps, which are noncancerous growths that form in the endometrium, the lining of the uterus, are removed via hysteroscopic polypectomy. The size and quantity of these polyps might vary, and they may result in symptoms including irregular menstrual flow, severe menstrual bleeding, infertility, or recurrent miscarriages. A hysteroscope, a narrow, illuminated tube with a camera attached, is used during the surgery to enable the surgeon to see within the uterus and remove the polyps.

Indications for Hysteroscopic Polypectomy:

Patients with the following symptoms or problems may benefit from hysteroscopic polypectomy:

– Abnormal uterine bleeding: Heavy or irregular menstrual bleeding might be brought on by polyps.

– Infertility: Uterine polyps may prevent a fertilised egg from implanting properly.

– Recurrent miscarriages: Polyps may cause the uterine environment to become disturbed, which may result in repeated miscarriages.

– Confirmation of diagnosis: To look for and remove possible uterine polyps so that more testing can be done.

Procedure Steps:

1. Preoperative Preparation: Depending on the patient’s preferences and the complexity of the treatment, the patient is typically put under general anaesthesia or conscious sedation. During the surgery, anaesthesia guarantees the patient’s comfort and lack of pain.

2. Hysteroscope Insertion: – A thin device with a camera and light source is called a hysteroscope, and it is placed into the uterus through the cervix. The surgeon can see the inside of the uterus on a monitor thanks to the camera.

3. Polyp Identification: – After entering the uterus, the surgeon determines the size and position of the polyps.

– To remove the polyps, tiny instruments are inserted through the hysteroscope.

4. Polyp Removal: – The surgeon uses delicate procedures to carefully remove the polyps from the uterine lining. For the purpose of removing bigger polyps, electrocautery or a specialised tool known as a morcellator may be utilised.

5. Assessment and Verification: – The extracted polyps are examined in a lab to determine their nature and rule out any indications of cancer. The surgeon makes sure that every polyp is eliminated entirely in order to lower the possibility of recurrence.

6. Procedure Completion: – The hysteroscope is removed from the uterus once all polyps have been removed. Depending on the quantity and size of the polyps, the process normally takes between thirty and sixty minutes to complete.

Benefits of Hysteroscopic Polypectomy:

Comparing hysteroscopic polypectomy to open surgery or other polyp removal techniques, there are a number of benefits:

– Minimally invasive: No abdominal incisions are required because the surgery is done through the cervix.

– Preservation of fertility: Removing uterine polyps can increase a woman’s chances of becoming pregnant.

– Fast recovery: After the surgery, the majority of patients are able to resume their regular activities in a day or two.

– Reduction in symptoms: Patients frequently report an improvement in symptoms including irregular bleeding and pelvic pain.

– High success rate: Hysteroscopic polypectomy has a little chance of recurrence and is a very successful method of removing uterine polyps.

Recovery After Hysteroscopic Polypectomy:

Following the procedure, patients can expect the following:

– Cramping: Over-the-counter pain medicines can be used to treat mild cramps and discomfort, which are frequent.

– Vaginal bleeding: For a few days following the operation, some vaginal bleeding or spotting is usual.

– Rest: It’s advised to avoid strenuous activities and to take it easy for a day or two.

– Follow-up appointment: To assess recovery and go over the findings of the polyp examination, a follow-up consultation will be arranged.

All about Metroplasty:

A uterine septum is a uterine malformation that can be corrected surgically using a treatment called a metroplasty, often referred to as uterine septum excision. A band of tissue called a uterine septum splits the uterus into two compartments, either totally or partially. Pregnancy problems, repeated miscarriages, or infertility may result from this illness. By excising or resecting the septum, a metroplasty attempts to leave the uterus with a single cavity.

Indications for Metroplasty:

Patients with the following symptoms or diseases may benefit from a metroplasty:

– Recurrent miscarriages: Recurrent pregnancy loss might result from uterine environment disruption caused by a uterine septum.

– Infertility: The implantation of a fertilised egg may be hampered by the existence of a uterine septum.

– Abnormal menstrual bleeding: Heavy or irregular menstrual bleeding might be caused by uterine irregularities such a septum.

– Verification of the diagnosis: To check and adjust the putative uterine septum in preparation for additional testing.

Procedure Steps:

1. Preoperative Preparation: To guarantee comfort throughout the treatment, the patient is typically put under general anaesthesia.

– Anaesthesia guarantees the patient’s pain-free and unconscious state throughout the procedure.

2. Incision and Visualisation: Using minimally invasive procedures (laparoscopy) or via the abdomen (laparotomy), the surgeon creates an incision in the uterus.

– To view the septum, a hysteroscope or laparoscope is placed within the uterus.

3. Resection of the Septum: The uterine septum is carefully removed or resected by the surgeon using specialised instruments.

– The septum can be sliced and removed using electrocautery or a laser, leaving the uterus with a single cavity.

4. Closure: To aid in the healing process, sutures may be used to close the uterine incision. Depending on the surgical technique and the complexity of the septum, the process usually takes one to two hours.

5. Evaluation: To verify the diagnosis and rule out any indications of abnormalities, the excised tissue is sent to a laboratory for analysis.

Benefits of Metroplasty:

Women with uterine septa can benefit from metroplasty in a number of ways:

– Better pregnancy outcomes: For women who have a uterine septum, a metroplasty can raise the likelihood of a healthy pregnancy.

– Lower chance of miscarriage: Treating the uterine abnormality can lessen the chance of having miscarriages again.

– Improved fertility: A well-formed, healthy uterus can increase fertility and the chance of a fruitful pregnancy.

– Correction of abnormal bleeding: If a uterine septum is the source of abnormal uterine bleeding, a metroplasty may be able to assist relieve the symptoms.

Recovery After Metroplasty:

Following the process, patients should anticipate the following outcomes:

– Hospital stay: For observation and monitoring purposes, patients may need to spend one or two days in the hospital.

– Pain management: To treat any discomfort, a prescription for painkillers may be issued.

– Rest and recuperation: It’s advised to avoid strenuous activities and to take it easy for a few days.

– Follow-up appointments: To track progress, evaluate healing, and go over any next steps, a follow-up visit will be set up.

Procedures like hysteroscopic polypectomy and metroplasty are useful for treating uterine health problems in women, like polyps and the uterine septum. Numerous advantages come with these minimally invasive procedures, such as increased pregnancy outcomes, decreased risk of miscarriage, and improved fertility. At Al Hilal Hospitals, we’re dedicated to giving each patient individualised treatment plans and cutting-edge gynaecological care. Please do not hesitate to contact our knowledgeable staff for an assessment and treatment if you are suffering symptoms associated with uterine health. At Al Hilal Hospitals, the first step towards improved uterine health is taken.