Understanding Obesity: Causes, Effects, Prevention, and Treatment in Bahrain

February 8, 2024

Obesity affects people of all ages and is a major global health concern, especially in Bahrain. Obesity, which is defined as an excessive build-up of body fat, is a major public health concern and has severe health concerns. Al Hilal Hospitals in Bahrain seek to address this problem’s many facets, including prevention, treatment, and its origins and repercussions.

What is Obesity?

An improper or excessive buildup of fat that is harmful to health is what defines obesity. The body mass index (BMI), which is computed by dividing weight in kilogrammes by height in metres squared, is commonly used to measure it. Obesity is defined as a BMI of 30 or greater.

Causes of Obesity

A complicated medical problem, obesity is impacted by a wide range of interrelated causes, including behavioural, environmental, genetic, and social factors. Gaining knowledge about the specific reasons underlying obesity might help one better appreciate its complex character.

1. Dietary Habits

-High-Calorie Diet: Eating meals high in calories but deficient in vital nutrients makes a big difference. Processed snacks, sugar-filled drinks, and fast food are frequently to blame.
-Overeating: Over time, portions have been bigger, which has increased the number of calories consumed during meals.
-Nutritional Imbalance: Diets heavy in sweets, saturated fats, and processed carbs but low in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can lead to weight gain.

2. Lifestyle Factors

-Sedentary Behaviour: Desk occupations, excessive use of technology, and little physical activity frequently result in long stretches of sitting in today’s lifestyles.
-Physical Inactivity: Not getting enough exercise or moving around during the day causes an imbalance in energy, which makes weight gain possible.3.Genetic and Biological Factors

3. Genetic and Biological Factors

-Genetic Predisposition: A person’s sensitivity to weight gain and metabolism can be influenced by their genetic makeup. Genes may have an impact on how the body handles and stores fat.
-Hormonal Imbalances: Disorders like hypothyroidism or imbalances in hormones might cause an individual to gain weight.

4. Environmental Influences

-Societal Factors: Environmental signals that influence dietary decisions include advertising, cultural standards, and the accessibility and availability of unhealthy foods.
-Urbanisation and Built Environment: Sedentary lifestyles can be exacerbated by urban environments that offer little room for physical activity, a dependency on cars, and a dearth of green spaces.

5. Psychosocial Factors

-Stress and Emotional Eating: Negative eating habits and weight gain might result from emotional stress, worry, or despair.
-Lack of Sleep: Not getting enough sleep can throw off hormone balances, which can cause hunger pangs and weight gain.

6. Medications and Medical Conditions

-Several drugs: Gaining weight is a possible side effect of several drugs, such as steroids or specific antidepressants.
-Medical Conditions: Weight gain may be exacerbated by hormonal diseases such as PCOS and Cushing’s syndrome.

7. Socioeconomic Factors

-Income disparities: Reliance on less expensive, high-calorie foods might result from limited access to better dietary options owing to financial constraints.
-Education and Awareness: Particularly in underprivileged groups, obesity rates might be attributed to a lack of information about appropriate eating habits and nutrition.

Interplay of Factors

Recognising the complex interactions between these variables is necessary to comprehend obesity. An individual’s risk of obesity is influenced by a multitude of factors, including lifestyle choices, environmental factors, genetic predisposition, and societal factors. Targeting these interrelated factors with several therapies is necessary to address obesity holistically.Call us now to book your appointment.

Effects of Obesity

Many health issues are associated with obesity, such as:

-Cardiovascular Diseases: Elevated risk of stroke, heart attack, and high blood pressure.
-Type 2 Diabetes: One of the main causes of diabetes and insulin resistance is obesity.
-Joint Issues: Carrying too much weight strains joints, which can result in osteoarthritis.
-Mental Health Problems: Obesity and sadness, anxiety, and low self-esteem are frequently linked.
-Respiratory Issues: Obesity can make breathing problems and sleep apnea worse.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Excess body weight is a common outward sign of obesity, but additional symptoms can include exhaustion, difficulty breathing, and trouble engaging in physical activity. BMI calculations, physical examinations, and conversations regarding medical history and lifestyle are all part of the diagnosis process.
Scedule your consultation and take the first step towards a healthier you!

Prevention of Obesity

Adopting good living practises is necessary to prevent obesity:
-Balanced diet: It should emphasise entire grains, fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and healthy fats.
-Frequent Exercise: Try to get in at least 150 minutes a week of physical activity.
-Portion Control: To prevent overindulging, pay attention to portion sizes.
-Limit Your Inactivity: Cut down on screen time and increase your daily physical activity.

Understanding Obesity in Bahrain

Bahrain has comparable issues with obesity. The availability of high-calorie foods, sedentary lifestyles, and shifting dietary habits are some of the factors contributing to the rising incidence of obesity. Lack of knowledge and cultural norms also have an impact on lifestyle decisions.

Comprehensive obesity treatment programmes catered to the needs of each patient are available at Bahrain’s Al Hilal Hospitals. These programmes include fitness regimens, counselling, food recommendations, and, if needed, medication therapies. Patients and the hospital’s skilled medical and dietary teams collaborate closely to help patients reach long-term weight management objectives.

Obesity Treatment

Obesity management calls for a multifaceted strategy:

-Lifestyle Changes: Place a strong emphasis on eating a balanced diet and getting more exercise.
-Behavioural therapy: Support and guidance to deal with the psychological components of eating behaviours.
-Medical Interventions: Medication or surgery may be considered in extreme situations.

Ways to Control Obesity

-Education and Awareness: Spread knowledge about active living and a healthy diet.
-Community Involvement: Promote community participation in sports and wellness initiatives.

-Policy Initiatives: Promote laws that facilitate the availability of wholesome meals and settings that encourage physical exercise.

An important global health concern, as well as one in Bahrain, is obesity. However, obesity can be effectively addressed and managed with proactive methods that emphasise education, lifestyle adjustments, and appropriate medical interventions. Al Hilal Hospitals in Bahrain are dedicated to helping people on their path to a happier, healthier life by providing them with comprehensive obesity treatment plans and advice.

Combating this complicated issue requires an understanding of obesity’s causes, impacts, prevention, and treatment. Together, we can create a culture of health and wellbeing that will lead to a healthier Bahrain and a future free from the pervasive health concern of obesity.

Never forget that making better decisions and receiving assistance from medical professionals who are committed to your health are the first steps on the path to a healthy life.