Conception: Understanding the Journey to Pregnancy

August 30, 2023

The incredible road towards motherhood begins with conception. The process through which a sperm fertilizes an egg and creates a new life is thrilling and crucial. For personalized advice and support on your road to conception, book an appointment with our skilled gynecologist at Al Hilal Hospitals.

You may traverse this crucial stage with confidence if you are aware of the process of conception, its time frame, the associated symptoms and the factors that can affect conception This article will examine all facets of conception, from the time of fertilization to the actions to be taken following conception, offering helpful information to you in your journey towards parenthood.

  1. Conception:

An egg is ready for fertilization up to 24 hrs after ovulation and conception normally takes place, if sexual activity occurs in the days prior to ovulation as the sperms survive in the female reproductive system for up to five days.

Conception is the process of fertilization, which happens when a sperm enters an egg and creates a zygote. The zygote then starts the process of traveling to the uterus for implantation, which results in pregnancy.

  1. Implantation vs. Conception:

During implantation, the fertilized egg (embryo) is joined to the uterine lining, whereas conception happens when a sperm fertilizes an egg. Normal implanting takes place 6–12 days following fertilization.

  1. Signs of conception:

Since conception occurs within, it typically has no visible signs. However, due to hormonal changes brought on by conception, some women may experience minor symptoms like:

– Spotting or slight bleeding: Around the time of implantation, some women may suffer light spotting or a trace of bleeding.

– Increased cervical mucus: The consistency of the cervical mucus may change, becoming thicker and more prevalent.

– Breast sensitivity or discomfort can occasionally be brought on by hormonal changes.

it’s important to remember that these symptoms can also be caused by other circumstances. The most accurate approach to determining whether you are pregnant is to use a home pregnancy test or go to the doctor.

  1. A calculator for conception:

Based on the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP), a conception calculator calculates the potential date of conception. It offers a rough timeframe for when conception may have taken place and when you might anticipate becoming pregnant.

  1. How long does it take to get pregnant after Conception?

The fertilized egg must travel through the fallopian tubes to the uterus in order to implant into the uterine lining. From the time of conception until implantation, it typically takes 6 to 12 days. Pregnancy hormones begin to form after implantation, and a pregnancy test can find these hormones.

  1. Timeline of conception:
  • Day one: First day of your period.
  • Around day 14: Ovulation occurs.
  • Within 24 hours of ovulation: Sperm fertilizes an egg (conception occurs).
  • About six days after fertilization: The fertilized egg moves through the fallopian tubes to the uterus and implants into your uterine lining.

The chance of conception in an ovulatory cycle is related to the day in the cycle on which intercourse takes place. The probability of conception is in the fertile window, which is from six days before ovulation, peaked two days before ovulation, then fell markedly by the day of ovulation. This shows that sperm need to be deposited in the female genital tract before ovulation to maximise chances of conception.

  1. Factors affecting conception.

Chance of conception is >80% of couples in the general population within 1 year.

if, the woman is < 40 years and they do not use contraception and have regular sexual intercourse. Those who do not conceive in the first year, about half will do so in the second year.

-Frequency and timing of sexual intercourse

Vaginal sexual intercourse every 2 to 3 days optimises the chance of pregnancy.


-Smoking Women who smoke should be informed that this is likely to reduce their fertility. –Caffeinated beverages

Obesity Women and men who have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or over are likely to take longer to conceive.

Caffeinated beverages Reducing the consumption of caffeinated beverages (tea, coffee and colas) may improve chance of conception.

Low body weight Women who have a BMI < 19, should increase body weight to improve their chance of conception.

Occupation – Some occupations involve exposure to hazards that can reduce male or female fertility.

A number of prescriptions, over the counter and recreational drugs interfere with male and female fertility,

Folic acid supplementation -dietary supplementation with folic acid before conception and up to 12 weeks’ gestation reduces the risk of having a baby with neural tube defects. The recommended dose is 0.4mg per day.

Anyone who is seeking to get pregnant has to understand the conception process. You can approach this journey with confidence and make the essential efforts to promote a healthy pregnancy by becoming informed about the timing, indications, and required steps. Keep in mind that every person’s path is distinct, so it’s essential to meet with a healthcare professional for individualized counsel and direction. Call us to book your appointment now.

9.What to Do Following Insemination:

Following conception, things to think about are:

 Prioritizing your health and wellbeing is crucial as you set out on this amazing trip. Here are some crucial do’s and don’ts to remember at the beginning of your pregnancy to help guarantee a smooth and healthy delivery:

  1. Make a prenatal appointment: Visit our healthcare practitioner to initiate prenatal treatment and confirm your pregnancy. The health of both you and your unborn child will be monitored with frequent checkups during your pregnancy.
  1. Keep a Balanced Diet: Consume a wholesome diet that is high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and healthy fats. Keep yourself hydrated and limit your coffee intake.
  1. Start taking prenatal vitamins as directed by your healthcare professional. Prenatal vitamins should contain folic acid, iron, calcium, and other crucial elements.
  1. Enough Sleep and Rest: Make sure you receive enough sleep and rest to support your body’s adjustments and your baby’s development. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night, and if necessary, take a nap.
  1. Maintain Physical Activity: As directed by your healthcare physician, routinely engage in moderate exercise. Prenatal yoga, swimming, and other exercises can help women stay fit and encourage a healthy pregnancy.
  1. Maintain Hydration: Drink a lot of water throughout the day to support normal digestion, blood circulation, and overall health.
  1. Maintain good hygiene by regularly washing your hands to stop the spread of illnesses. By brushing your teeth twice, a day and going to the dentist for regular checkups, you can maintain good oral hygiene.
  1. Manage Stress: Look for healthy methods of stress management, such as relaxation exercises, meditation, hobbies, or asking loved ones for assistance.
  1. Educate yourself by reading credible sources, going to childbirth classes, and keeping up with the various phases of pregnancy.

Every pregnancy is different, so it’s important to speak with a skilled healthcare practitioner for specific advice and direction as you navigate your pregnancy. Make an appointment to receive specialized treatment for a healthy pregnancy. You may ensure a safe pregnancy for you and your unborn child by adhering to these dos and don’ts and placing a high priority on your health.