Prostate Cancer Screening: When, why, and How

October 14, 2023

Men’s health is seriously affected by prostate cancer, and effective treatment depends on early detection. In order to detect the disease at an early stage, when treatment choices are most effective, prostate cancer screening is essential. Prostate cancer screening is one of the many healthcare services that Al Hilal Hospitals is dedicated to providing. The necessity of prostate cancer screening, its significance, the screening procedure, advantages, potential drawbacks, warning indications, and screening recommendations will all be covered in this guide. Our knowledgeable healthcare professionals are available to help you if you have any questions or concerns about prostate cancer screening.

Symptoms of Prostate Cancer

The term “silent disease” refers to prostate cancer’s tendency to progress in the early stages without manifesting any symptoms. However, some men may suffer symptoms as the illness gets worse. It’s crucial to remember that non-cancerous illnesses can also cause these symptoms, but if you encounter any of the following, you should see a doctor for an evaluation:

  1. Urinary Changes:

– Frequent Urination: You could discover that you need to urinate more frequently, particularly at night.

– Difficulty initiating the urine Stream: You may experience difficulty initiating the urine stream.

– Weak Urine Flow: The urine stream may be intermittent or weak.

– Pain or Burning feeling: While urinating, you can feel pain or a burning feeling.

– Blood in Urine (Hematuria): Blood in the urine can make it appear pink or reddish.

  1. Erectile Dysfunction: Erection problems can arise, but they can also be brought on by other circumstances.
  1. Hematospermia, or blood in the semen, is a sign of problems with the prostate, including cancer.
  1. Discomfort around the pelvis Men with advanced prostate cancer may feel achy or painful in their hips, lower back, or pelvis.
  1. Bone discomfort: In particular in the spine, hips, and thighs, prostate cancer can cause bone pain if it spreads to the bones.
  1. Unexplained Weight Loss: Prostate cancer in its advanced stages might manifest as a significant and unexplained weight loss.

It’s crucial to stress that these signs are not exclusive to prostate cancer and can also be brought on by a number of other illnesses, including benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and urinary tract infections. Furthermore, many men with prostate cancer don’t show any signs until the condition has advanced. Regular prostate cancer screening is therefore essential for early identification and better results, especially for individuals at higher risk. If you experience any of these signs or are worried about the health of your prostate, speak with a medical professional for a complete assessment and the necessary testing.

The Need for Prostate Cancer Screening at 40

The second most frequent malignancy in men worldwide is prostate cancer. Although the risk of getting prostate cancer rises with age, older men are not the only ones who might get it. For a number of reasons, screening for prostate cancer at age 50 may be advised:

  1. First, early detection Prostate cancer has a slow growth rate, and symptoms may not show up until the condition has progressed. A screening at age 50 enables the early identification of prospective problems.
  1. Risk elements: Due to variables including family history, race, or certain genetic mutations, some men may have a higher chance of developing prostate cancer. Screening can aid in locating those who are more vulnerable.
  1. Baseline Information: For comparisons in the future, establishing a baseline prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level at age 40 can be helpful. Over time, variations in PSA levels may be a sign of a problem.

Schedule a prostate cancer screening at Al Hilal Hospitals if you are close to 40 or have risk factors for the disease.

How Common is Prostate Screening at 40 Years Old?

Depending on personal risk factors, family history, and medical recommendations, the frequency of prostate cancer screening at age 50 may change. Decisions should be made in cooperation with a healthcare professional because there is no one solution that works for everyone. But starting the conversation about screening at age 40 is a pro-active strategy for men’s health.

The Process of Prostate Cancer Screening

Two primary tests are generally used in prostate cancer screening:

  1. Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Test, first PSA levels are measured by this blood test. Increased PSA levels may indicate prostate cancer or other problems.
  1. Digital Rectal Exam (DRE): A healthcare professional does this physical examination by inserting a gloved, lubricated finger into the rectum to feel the prostate for any anomalies.

Our knowledgeable healthcare professionals are here to offer advice and support if you have queries or worries regarding prostate cancer or screening.

The Risks Involved with Prostate Cancer Screening

Despite the advantages of screening, there may also be risks involved:

  1. False Positives: PSA testing may show elevated levels even in the absence of cancer, causing needless worry and procedures.
  1. Excessive diagnosis Since some prostate tumors have a modest growth rate, treatment may not be necessary. A potential adverse consequence of overdiagnosis is overtreatment.
  1. Side Effects of the Treatment: Urinary incontinence and sexual dysfunction are possible adverse effects of prostate cancer therapies such as surgery and radiation therapy.

Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer

Early prostate cancer may not show any symptoms, while advanced prostate cancer may show warning signals like:

– Repeated urinating, particularly at night

– A hard time starting or halting to urinate

– A minimal urine flow

– Semen or urine containing blood

— Pelvic pain or discomfort

Investigate our healthcare offerings and resources at Al Hilal Hospitals to be educated about your health.

Prostate Cancer Screening in Bahrain

Your partner in prostate health in Bahrain is Al Hilal Hospitals. To assist you in making wise decisions about your health, we provide thorough prostate cancer screening services, including PSA tests and DRE.Call us now to book your appointment.

Prostate Cancer Screening Guidelines

Countries and medical organizations may have different recommendations for prostate cancer screening. It’s crucial to go over screening recommendations with your doctor while taking your age, risk factors, and family history into account.

Men’s health must include prostate cancer screening. A proactive strategy for early detection and better results is to start conversations and examine screening alternatives around age 45. In addition to encouraging people to take ownership of their prostate health through informed choices and regular screenings, Al Hilal Hospitals is committed to delivering complete prostate healthcare services.